Saturday, June 12, 2010

Break Out the Burgers. The Sun is Here.

Just wanted to duck in and do a quick post because today is ahhhh--mazing!!!!

Here in the San Francisco Area we don't get a lot of nice days. Well...that's not exactly true, but typically, when the rest of the country is stepping into summer, we enjoy cold fog and gray drizzly weather. "Enjoy," being the operative word. Our nice weather usually comes in the fall, when everyone else is breaking out the scarves and quilts. I love that time of year too (from inside the warm house!), but I need warm summer-y weather in the summer when it's supposed be warm and summer-y!

I am originally from the southwestern desert. (Well, not originally originally, but that's not important. I was a kid when we moved from Chicago.)

I am a desert rat.

I hate cold weather.

So when the weather is like it is today I get so happy! Love love love it!!! It's 80 degrees, slightly breezy, not a cloud in the sky. Amazingly beautiful. The thing I like best about it is the scent in my backyard. Our area is surrounded by pine and eucalyptus and those scents mingled with the warm breeze is heavenly. Reminds me of camping trips when I was little. Good memories! I love the outdoors, and this kind of weather brings out all my dormant desires for hiking and camping and just hanging out outside.

I called some friends to come over for an impromptu barbecue this afternoon, but, alas, everyone is busy at such short notice. Oh well! That will not dampen my joy today! My husband and I will enjoy the day together with our son and bask in the warm sunshine, along with some burgers and potato salad later.

It doesn't take much to make me happy.

I'm a simple soul, really.

Someone else is enjoying the beautiful day too.


Bring Pretty Back said...

Sounds like a beautiful day! I thought it was sunny there year round!
Hahah! Yes! Twins! Yes we would meet for coffee and talk for hours and hours!!!

Bring Pretty Back said...

The sun is finally out here too! whoo hoo!